Jenny Klabber
SF, Bay Area

Community Badges


Age 32
City: Amsterdam
State: North Holland
Country: Netherlands
Postcode: 1092 NL
Phone: +31 6 1234 56 78
Email: [email protected]

Work Experience

Esprito Studios Senior Project Manager 2019 - Present
Previous Jobs
Pesto Plus CRM Product Lead 2012 - 2019
Perrier Technologies UX Research 2010 - 2012


Web Design Code Review Figma Product Development Webflow AI noCode Management
Project-pitch.pdf 4.7 MB 26 Sep 2024 3:20 PM
Report-v1.docx 2.3 MB 1 Oct 2024 12:00 PM
Framework-App.js 0.8 MB 17 Oct 2024 6:46 PM 0.2 MB 4 Nov 2024 11:30 AM

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