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Ways To Get Rid Of Centipedes

Little girl on grass full of Centipedes

There are over 2,000 species of centipedes found across the world. While most of them prefer to reside in open areas, some might come to stay indoors in anyone’s home. Centipedes generally happen when the weather starts getting colder. Most of the species of centipedes are not directly able to harm people. But these are still venomous creatures that may end up becoming unwanted nuisances in one’s home.


It is best to identify, find, and get rid of these centipedes from the house as soon as possible. Here are some of the methods to do so –


Killing the centipedes –  

  • The easiest and most obvious way of getting rid of centipedes is by simply killing them whenever you see one of them inside your house. Centipedes are one of the few pests that do not live in hordes. If there are only a couple of them in the house, you can kill them or use a repellent to get rid of them. If you are not a fan of killing insects, a jar can be used to capture the centipede and release them outside.


Using sticky traps –

  • Another easy way of getting rid of centipedes is by trapping them by using sticky traps. These traps can be placed in the corners or areas of the house where the centipedes are generally seen. They might also prove to be useful for trapping other pests and insects that might reside in your home. But it is also important to remember that sticky traps are best suited to get rid of the smaller centipedes and insects.


Using insecticides –

  • If all the natural and easier methods do not prove to be effective, one should think of switching to chemical solutions. Insecticides are very useful in getting rid of centipedes. Although it is a quick and efficient process, it is not a permanent solution. Not to mention, insecticides are known to contain dangerous and harmful chemicals and substances, so one might want to avoid or minimize its use.


Putting up a barrier around the house –

  • Another preventive measure of dealing with centipedes would be to put down an insecticide barrier around the house. It does not matter much whether you use chemical insecticides or natural insecticides, the effect will be the same. Since centipedes mostly come into the house from open areas, these barriers will prevent the centipedes from entering the house by killing or almost killing them in the barrier itself.


Contact professional pest control like for residential needs-

  • Professional pest control are the specialists of getting rid of pests and centipedes. They are effective, efficient and completely thorough in their work. Exterminators know how to look for the structural problems in any building that may hinder pest control. They are also responsible for finding these pests and centipedes and ridding the building of them. While you will obviously have to pay them, they will most certainly do a better job that one can do by themselves.


Centipedes can be prevented from entering your home by keeping it clean, tidy, and pest free.

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